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Meet Our Barberellas
Senior Barber With over 25 years’ experience in the industry and having successfully completed a course in Barbering and certified in the UK as a Top Barber by the Barbering Academy in London, UK, our Chief Barber Sam first started her career in Perth, Australia where she spent a year working at the internationally acclaimed salon Toni & Guy. Upon her return to Hong Kong, she joined The Barber Shop and has since been with us for over 20+ years. Sam’s clients describe their beloved barber as warm, friendly, incredibly talented and highly skilled at her craft. She is truly one of a kind in her field and is known for being one of the best of only a handful of ‘Barberellas’ in Hong Kong.
Senior Barber
With multiple salon qualifications and over 20 years experience in the salon business, Wen continues to perfect her skills and broaden her knowledge in styling, cutting and haircare. In the last 3 years Wen has been furthering her education by fulfilling another avenue in the industry through Barbering and specialises in all types of fades, including skin fades. Wen’s kind and caring nature combined with her expert grooming and styling skills are what make this ‘Barberella’ a favourite amongst her clients.